Rise Data Science


In the dynamic field of artificial intelligence, machine learning serves as the cornerstone, advancing us into an era where computers not only process data but learn from it. At the heart of this transformative technology lie three fundamental paradigms: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Each of these approaches represents a unique facet of machine learning, unlocking diverse possibilities and reshaping the way we interact with information.


As part of our series, “What’s going on behind the algorithm”, let’s dive into these three types of machine learning. From the guidance of labeled datasets to the untethered discovery within unlabeled data and the strategic decision-making processes that mimic human learning, we’ll unveil the mystery of machine learning and shed light on the distinctive features, applications, and potential future developments of each paradigm

What is Machine Learning

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence focused on developing algorithms that allow computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming. The central idea is to enable machines to recognize patterns in data, make informed decisions, and enhance their performance over time through experience.

Let’s explore an  example of machine learning designed to recognize cats from images of cats and dogs.

Training phase: Gather a large dataset of images containing both cats and dogs, with each image labeled as either “cat” or “dog.” The machine learning algorithm analyzes these images, identifying patterns that distinguish cats from dogs. It might learn features like the shape of ears, fur texture, or the presence of a tail.

Recognition phase: During the recognition phase the trained model is presented with a new image containing either a cat or a dog. Leveraging what it learned during training, the algorithm analyzes the features in the image to make a prediction about whether it’s a cat or a dog.

Feedback loop: If the model misclassified an image (e.g., mistakes a cat for a dog), a human has to provide feedback and update the model’s parameters. Over time, the model refines its ability to distinguish between cats and dogs, continuously learning from additional examples.

Deployment: Once the model achieves satisfactory accuracy, it can be deployed to recognize cats in new, unseen images without explicit programming for each image. This example illustrates how machine learning allows a system to learn the inherent features that differentiate one thing from another and generalize that knowledge to accurately recognize new images, showcasing the adaptability and learning capability of machine learning algorithms.

So,  Let’s delve into the three primary forms of machine learning: 

  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning

Supervised Learning

Supervised learning is one of the most common and widely used types of machine learning. It’s like having a teacher guiding the learning process, making it a well-structured approach for predictive modeling. In supervised learning, the algorithm is provided with a labeled dataset, which means that the input data is paired with corresponding output labels. The algorithm’s goal is to learn a mapping from input to output, making it capable of making predictions or classifications for new, unseen data.

The primary learning objective in this paradigm is for the algorithm to minimize the disparity between its predictions and the actual labels, refining its predictive capabilities over time. Getting back to our example from above, the algorithm learns to recognize the cat on the provided image, based on the labels that the algorithm internalized, instead of predicting, meaning guessing that what’s displayed on the image is a cat.

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning resembles a self-guided exploration of data, offering a unique approach to datasets devoid of explicit output labels. Picture an algorithm navigating through a collection of cat and dog images without prior information on which ones are labeled “cat” or “dog.” Unlike supervised learning, where the algorithm is given labeled examples, the primary objective here is not prediction but rather an autonomous discovery of hidden patterns, structures, and relationships within the dataset. 


This approach proves particularly valuable when confronted with raw, unorganized data, allowing the algorithm to discern inherent similarities and groupings without explicit guidance. In the context of cat and dog images, unsupervised learning might unveil clusters where certain features, such as fur texture or color patterns, naturally group images together, providing insights into the intrinsic characteristics that differentiate cats from dogs. This self-guided exploration exemplifies the versatility of unsupervised learning in revealing valuable patterns and structures in datasets without the need for predefined labels.

Search Engine Market Share

As of June 2022, Google continues to maintain a dominant position in the global search engine market, holding an impressive 91.88% market share. The search giant consistently commands a substantial share ranging from 86% to 96% worldwide. 

In China, Baidu emerges as the leading search engine with an impressive 75.54% market share, reflecting its strong presence in the country’s digital landscape. Notably, the Russian search engine market differs from many other regions, featuring two primary players: Google and Yandex. These two platforms compete for user attention and market share in the Russian search space.

Additionally, the mode of accessing search engines varies, with a significant shift towards mobile devices. A noteworthy statistic is that 95% of users prefer Google on their mobile devices compared to 85% on desktop computers, highlighting the increasing importance of mobile platforms in the search engine landscape. This information underscores Google’s continued global dominance, adapting to changing user preferences across different devices.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning, an enthralling paradigm inspired by the learning mechanisms of humans, is akin to training a virtual agent to navigate the complexities of an environment. Taking our example from above, imagine employing reinforcement learning to teach an AI system to distinguish between cat and dog images. 


In this scenario, the agent, analogous to a learner, makes decisions by taking actions, like identifying features in images, and receives feedback in the form of rewards or punishments. Successfully classifying an image as either a cat or a dog earns the agent a reward, while misclassifications lead to a penalty. 


The ultimate objective for the agent is to strategize its actions over successive attempts to maximize cumulative rewards, refining its decision-making process with each interaction. This dynamic learning approach is particularly potent in scenarios requiring sequential decision-making, such as game playing, robotics, and autonomous vehicles, where the agent learns to make informed choices through a continuous feedback loop, mirroring the adaptive nature of human learning.

Applications of ML in the ad tech industry

Machine learning is transforming how publishers navigate the complexities of digital advertising. 

Meaning, ML applications in ad tech are multifaceted and profoundly relevant to publishers as they seek to optimize their strategies and enhance user engagement. 


One primary application lies in targeted advertising, where ML algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and demographics to deliver personalized and highly relevant content. This not only maximizes the impact of ad campaigns but also improves user satisfaction by presenting them with advertisements tailored to their interests. Additionally, predictive analytics powered by ML enables publishers to forecast trends and optimize ad placement, ensuring a higher likelihood of conversion. 


Automation of bidding processes is another crucial facet, as ML algorithms can dynamically adjust bid values in real-time based on evolving market conditions and user behavior, maximizing the efficiency of ad spend. 


Moreover, fraud detection is significantly bolstered by ML, with algorithms identifying irregular patterns indicative of fraudulent activities, thereby safeguarding publishers from financial losses. This empowers publishers to refine their strategies, deliver more personalized content, and navigate the rapidly evolving digital advertising landscape with unprecedented precision and efficiency.


Understanding the three main types of machine learning – supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning – is fundamental for grasping the diversity and potential of AI. Each type serves specific purposes and addresses various challenges. Supervised learning is the go-to approach for predictive tasks with labeled data, unsupervised learning uncovers hidden patterns in unlabeled data, and reinforcement learning equips AI with the ability to make sequential decisions. As you delve deeper into the world of AI and machine learning, remember that the choice of learning type depends on your problem, data, and desired outcomes.

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