How Rise Helped Publishers Grow Revenue in H1

How Rise Helped Publishers Grow Revenue in H1 H2 is already here, and it’s the perfect moment to reflect on our successful H1. The past few months have been incredibly dynamic, not just at Rise but in our industry as well. At Rise, we innovated by continuously investing in our technology and developing our AI […]

How Publishers Can Successfully Navigate the Never Normal

How Publishers Can Successfully Navigate the Never Normal Publishers around the globe have spent the past few years adapting to the new normal. Rethinking their strategies and services to respond to periods of global change and uncertainty. This uncertainty marks a new era – the never normal – and requires that publishers are agile and […]

Cookieless Tracking: The Impact of API on Publishers

Cookieless Tracking: The Impact of API on Publishers January 2024 marked a milestone in (cookieless) tracking with Google’s long-expected purge of third-party cookies. You may ask why? The answer is, Google turned off cookies for 1% of Chrome users, amounting to roughly 30 million users.   In a world full of data privacy regulations and  outphasing […]

Types of Machine Learning – Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning

In the dynamic field of artificial intelligence, machine learning serves as the cornerstone, advancing us into an era where computers not only process data but learn from it. At the heart of this transformative technology lie three fundamental paradigms: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Each of these approaches represents a unique facet of […]

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